Frequently Asked Questions

1) What do you hope to achieve from writing Revisiting the Depths?

In writing Revisiting the Depths, my hope is to share a deeply personal journey of overcoming fear and finding inner peace. This book is not just a recounting of events but a reflection on the transformative power of facing our deepest fears. Through my story, I aim to connect with readers on a profound level, inspiring them to confront their own challenges with courage and resilience. Ultimately, I want this book to be a source of hope and empowerment, demonstrating that even in the darkest moments, we have the strength within us to rise, heal, and find peace.

 2) What do you hope readers will take away from Revisiting the Depths?

My wish for readers of Revisiting the Depths is that they find a companion in their own journeys. I aim to offer them a sense of connection and understanding, letting them know they are not alone in facing fear, uncertainty, and personal growth. Through the experiences and lessons shared in the book, I aspire to bring them comfort, encouragement, and a renewed sense of strength. I hope readers will walk away with the belief that they, too, can overcome their challenges and discover the peace and fulfillment that comes from embracing life's depths, both the beautiful and the difficult.

3) What inspired you to write Revisiting the Depths?

The inspiration for Revisiting the Depths came after a profound experience that took place nearly three decades after my first deep dive into the underwater world. Back then, as a young diver, I faced a terrifying moment alone at the seabed, which left a lasting impact on me. That experience was a metaphor for the many challenges and fears we face in life—often feeling alone and uncertain, yet finding the strength within ourselves to navigate through.

Three decades later, revisiting the depths—both literally in the ocean and metaphorically in my life—allowed me to reflect on how much I had grown, changed, and learned. Writing this book was a way to explore that journey, to confront the fears that once held me back, and to share the lessons I've learned about resilience, healing, and finding peace. Revisiting the Depths is not just a personal narrative, but a testament to the power of facing our deepest fears and emerging stronger on the other side. My hope is that this story will resonate with readers who are on their own journeys of self-discovery and growth.

4) How does Revisiting the Depths relate to your personal journey?

Revisiting the Depths is a reflection of my personal journey through some of life's most challenging moments. It chronicles my experiences of facing fear, navigating uncertainty, and ultimately finding peace. This book is deeply rooted in my life, and writing it allowed me to process and make sense of those experiences. It's a very personal story, but one that I believe will resonate with many people who have faced similar struggles.

5) Why do you believe storytelling is important in overcoming personal challenges?

Storytelling is a powerful tool for overcoming personal challenges because it allows us to make sense of our experiences and connect with others on a deep, emotional level. Through stories, we can share our vulnerabilities, our fears, and our triumphs in a way that is both healing for the storyteller and inspiring for the listener. In Revisiting the Depths, I use storytelling to explore my own journey, and my hope is that it will help readers feel less alone in their own struggles and more empowered to face them.

6) What future projects are you working on?

I'm currently working on several new projects that continue to explore themes of personal growth, resilience, and the human spirit. One of my upcoming books will delve deeper into the concept of living a purpose-value driven life, drawing on both my personal experiences and broader observations. This book will focus on aligning our actions with our core values, finding meaning in our daily lives, and navigating challenges with intention and strength.

Additionally, I'm developing a series that offers life lessons and reflections aimed at inspiring readers to embrace change, overcome adversity, and approach life's complexities with grace and courage. Through these projects, I hope to provide readers with the insights and tools they need to lead a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

7) How can readers connect with you or stay updated on your work?

I love connecting with my readers! You can stay updated on my latest projects, events, and thoughts by subscribing to my newsletter here on the website or drop me an email at I also share regular updates and reflections on my blog. Whether you want to share your thoughts on Revisiting the Depths or simply say hello, I'm always happy to hear from you!